HERI Hand: A Quasi Dexterous and Powerful Hand with Asymmetrical Finger Dimensions and Under Actuation


In this paper, the Hardware Embedded Reduced Intricacy (HERI) Hand, which is a novel tendon driven three-finger under-actuated hand demonstrating balanced dexterous finger manipulation and powerful grasping of common objects is presented. The third finger of HERI Hand is asymmetrically designed in terms of dimensions to emulate the functionality for combining middle finger, ring finger and little finger of a human hand. HERI Hand is equipped with three actuators devoted to the actuation of the flexion of the index finger and thumb, the flexion of the third finger and finally the thumb abduction and adduction motion with the latest drive having no interference with other transmissions. The proposed hand is capable of realizing delicate finger manipulation such as opening a lidded cup, which is super suitable to accomplish in such configuration. At the same time the hand demonstrates high grasping strength capacity thanks to the actuation sizing permitted by the under-actuated configuration. The hand is also equipped with tactile/pressure sensors distributed in the phalanxes, which leaves open the possibility of potential applications for sophisticated finger manipulations taking into account the phalanxes contact forces. Three different sets of experiments were carried out to demonstrate the performance of HERI Hand and validated its functionality.

In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018
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